Monday, July 17, 2017

Turmeric and Inflamation

It has been a pain filled week for me.  I might sit a bit too long and then standing up straight was so slow.  I began to wonder if I would just stay bent.  Slowly, slowly, I have to straighten out my back.  Then put my neck on properly.  Last would be aligning my legs so they are under me in the proper position to go forward.  Is this what not having turmeric in my diet does to me?

I once read an article telling about not sitting to long.  In this article people learn that one must get up and walk around every 20 minutes to retain mobility.  If you want to live healthy and stay mobile you must do this to have quality life as you age.  This is especially true when you work at a desk.  When I concentrate on what I am doing I just plain forget to get up and walk around.  So I got an exercise ball to sit at my desk on.  That does help a lot.  But I still should stand up more often.

A couple of weeks ago I was talking to a chiropractor in our town.  We both are getting up there in years and it gets harder and harder to move freely.  The good doctor pantomimed how older people walk.  He bent his back forward in an unforgiving bend and moved forward as he clumped his feet down hard one after the other.  "You see," he said, "Older folks lose the feeling in their feet and they must step this way to know they are on firm ground."  Note to self:  Is this inflammation?

Is Inflammation helped with Turmeric?

Wow, did I ever feel old when he said those things.  I know I have numbness in my leg and feet.  Question to self:  Is it inflammation or is it numbness?  But I don't think I step that firmly along.  I will have to pay more attention to the way I walk.  However, I really relate to needing to know that I am on firm ground.  The past few years I am getting more and more unsure of my balance.  It might be my numbness but I don't think I can fix that.  Inflammation?  Maybe!  What I can do is bounce on a mini trampoline.  Just bouncing for 10 minutes helps move the lymph in my legs so I don't feel restless legs.

What do I do for the stiffness when I try to stand up?  Well, I do a variety of things.  I think the very best thing I have found is turmeric.  You see, turmeric truly is a super food.  However it is not so good if you try to make it stand alone.  Turmeric contains cur-cumin which  helps with inflammation.  The trick is to get your body to absorb it.  You can eat it by the tons and it will pass right through you and do you no good.  That is right, if it doesn't get through your digestion and into your blood it will do you no good at all.  Some authors say you have to have black pepper and some kind of oil with the cur-cumin to make it absorb.  Some say you need black pepper extract and CoQ10 with it to make it work.

Through the past year the articles we read tell us to use turmeric with black pepper and coconut oil to help memory, joints, digestion.  I believe in super foods but can this really be a cure all?  What about my heart?  Can this concoction help with that and low energy?  Maybe it can.  People in India use a lot of this spice in their food.  Lots of people are getting on the wagon to take cur-cumin.  My own mother believed it helped her not hurt so much.  So last night I got out my bottle of ease and that helped me sleep much better.  When I read the label one of the ingredients was cur-cumin.  So, there you have it.  In what ever form, it is worth a try.  However, I think I will add black pepper and coconut oil and take it with my CoQ10.