Monday, June 7, 2010

Protect Yourself From Harmful EMF Radiation

Some years ago I became concerned about the harmful effects of some radiation on the body and brain. As our sons went through their teens they complained about feeling foggy brained a lot. I did some research and found that there were concerns over the effects of radiation on the brain cells. I read a book by a cancer researcher whose daughter had developed brain cancer and he was able to pin point at least part of the cause to the amount of time she spent using her cell phone.

The(WHO)World Health Organization has spent $30 million to discover a growing trend in brain cancer related to cell phone use. Other cancers, autism, and other health problems are linked by many studies to the radiation exposure from electromagnetic radiation such as is found in the cell phones as well.

As I did some research, I found a necklace that could be worn to protect a person from that radiation. The pendant on the necklace is what provides the protection. My son purchased one but found he wasn't comfortable wearing it. Those necklaces cost from $100 on up to purchase. My Husband uses a cell phone with his work and found that he was uncomfortable using it because he could tell it was affecting his health.

We recently became aware of a product now available rather inexpensively, that will protect from that radiation. Below is some information about it. We are considering stocking and selling them if we have enough interest. We would be able to sell them to you with free shipping if you will let us know within the coming week.

Please to pass this on to anyone you think may be interested. Fill out the form and send to We will contact you with payment information when we have stocked the product. If interested, we will need contact information: phone, email, address and name.


I am purchasing something in bulk I think you will be very interested in. Please read the following about protecting your family from cell phone radiation, and let me know if you’d like to participate in my bulk buy.

Your child’s brain is highly susceptible to damaging man-made radiation from his cell phone. He’s also getting exposure from the laptop, PC, TV, and microwave.

Your brain is vulnerable, too. But your child’s brain is developing, and highly sensitive, and her skull isn’t as thick and protective as an adult’s! Cell phone waves are documented to pass over 85% of the way through the brain of a 5-year old, and they damage human DNA.

The World Health Organization (WHO) spent $30 million to discover a growing trend in brain cancer related to cell phone use. Other cancers, autism, and other health problems are linked by many studies to the radiation exposure from cell phones as well.

A brand-new technology protects you and the children you care about. It’s much easier to use, very inexpensive, and neutralizes 100% of the effects of harmful radiation from items we use every day that emit EMF. All you have to do is stick the holographic neutralizer anywhere on the back (or battery) of your cell phone. It is a hologram made of three micro-thin layers of rare-earth, para-magnetic materials that absorb and neutralize man-made electro-magnetic radiation.

As simple as the technology sounds, the developers went through the highly rigorous process of obtaining a U.S. scientific patent. This involved 28 separate tests, including one exposing human DNA in a petri dish to a cell phone with, and without, the technology. The proof is in the fact that this test resulted in those human cells 100% protected from the harmful effects of chaotic radiation.

To put it in very simplistic terms, it doesn’t block all the radiation, or you wouldn’t get cell phone
reception. Instead, it blocks 100% of the negative effects of the radiation.

Please make sure you put a xZubi Neutralizer on your cell phone (inside or on the back), your microwave (which emits radiation into your kitchen as it cooks), TV screens, PC and laptop screens, baby monitors, and home phone handsets. Each one is $14.99. I can provide them for you with no shipping cost, for a limited time, so please let me know how many you need. Just copy and paste this form to the email:





________ quantity of xZubi Neutralizers

X $14.99

= __________